Being healthy and beautiful inside out!

We serve an Awesome God. He forgive our sins but heals our disease too!
Psalm 103:3
Healing comes from our Lord.
The health and beauty tips shared here are collected and compiled from the net, heard from elders, read in books, passed on through generations.
The health and beauty care tips mentioned here are all natural/ off the kitchen shelf, made from fruits, vegetables, spices, herbs etc.
Need to remember..
Proverbs 1:30
Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.
So inner beauty is more important than outer. To have a beautiful personality we need to be beautiful from within and we sure can take care to be fit, healthy and look good on the out too.
Be blessed, refreshed not just physically but spiritually too as you stop by here.
To Yeshua be All Glory and Honor!

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Facial Exercise~Part 3 Complied

Facial Exercise for Toning Around the Eyes

Using your middle fingers work bi-laterally around each eye simultaneously. You may want to use some natural moisturizer or organic massage oil, and remember use slight pressure as you circle around each eye area.
First place your middle fingers at the beginning of your eyebrows. You are going to follow the top of your eyebrow to the end of your eyebrow and continue under your eye by pressing your fingers on the top of your cheekbones. Then continue to the inside corners of your eyes. Do this facial exercise in a circular motion around the eyes thirty times, and the complete set once daily.
Very few beauty professionals understand the crucial importance of how facial muscles interact to create our facial appearance. For example if you sleep on your stomach and smash your face into the pillow, over time you are going show signs of wrinkling wherever your face is continually stressed or squished. It is said that those who sleep on their backs often have younger looking faces with less wrinkling. With acupuncture you are not necessarily working each of the muscles independently, but you are stimulating the Chi, which in turn benefits and tones the muscles.
As you age, repetitive patterns cause some muscles to become over-exercised or pull on the face. This can cause jowls, turkey neck, baggy eyes and also premature wrinkles. So it is vital to stimulate the right facial muscles. Chinese regenerating face exercises can help the muscles remember your vital facial signature.

Facial Exercise for Revitalizing the Eyes

 this facial exercise we are going to stimulate the acupressure point at the side of your face about 1/4 to 1/2 inch beyond the outside corner of each eye. The second points to stimulate are directly under your pupil on the top edge of your cheekbone. This face exercise can soften fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes. Press each of the points bi-laterally for around three seconds, then release for a moment, and then repeat again for thirty counts. It is best to practice this pressure point exercise three times a day.

Big Washing Face Exercise

We credit this technique to Yen Wei Choog, an acupuncturist in Northern California. This facial acupressure technique will tone, stimulate your face, and clear your complexion while also preventing wrinkles.
First make sure you wash and dry your hands so they are clean. Then charge your palms by placing them together and briskly rub them back and forth. An optimal number of times to charge your palms is thirty-six back and forth movements. You will feel warmth in your palms as Chi energy forms.
Now place both of your energized hands on your face with your little fingers along side your nose. Move your hands in a circular motion by moving upward. As you move your hands upward your finger tips will cross your forehead and then move downward and your thumbs actually pass over your ears. Again, begin at chin and move along side the nose, over the eyes to forehead, along hairline, over ear, and then back to the chin again. Do this sweeping motion lightly across your face thirty-six times.
As you incorporate this technique into your daily skin care procedure the Chi energy will harmonize in your face protecting your skin from the effects of aging. Any form of natural anti-aging skin care when combined with these Chinese acupressure techniques for the face will really get a boost in its effectiveness.

Full Pressure Point Facial Exercise

You may also want to consider twice a week adding a full pressure point acupressure facial to your routine. You can easily follow this map of acupressure points at the left noting the points on the face. This is an optimal exercise for creating a natural facelift alternative. Again, use the balls of the fingertips and apply bi-lateral pressure. There are only two points, on the forehead and one at the crease of the skin that are single points.
Everyone has a unique facial signature of muscle development, formed by the way that the features are animated and interact to produce facial expressions. Your facial signature plays a large part in how your face looks and the way it ages. Maintaining and developing your facial signature is the secret to staying sensual, sexy and young looking, but there are many factors in life that erode the stay-young potential in your facial signature, and these can take their toll by dulling your natural attractiveness and making you look older.

Acupressure is More than Just a Natural Facelift

We all know that cosmetic surgery costs is expensive and also has some risks. The use of Electro stimulation devices do not invite Chi into the face nor do they address the muscle's needs to actually revitalize and bring back your youthful facial signature. The benefits of these acupressure facelift techniques keep your facial skin from growing a little older each day. You will gradually see a difference as your skin becomes smoother and more radiant. If you are interested in reversing facial aging practice this routine for a month, and notice the difference. You will be pleasantly surprised and most likely will incorporate these exercises into your daily skin care routine.

Get a Quick Face Lift Through Exercise

Double Chin
To decrease a double chin and eventually take it away, lie
on your back on a flat surface. Raise your head, slowly,
and touch your chin to your chest. Slowly return your
head back to the ground. Repeat this chin to chest exercise
10 times, and work up to 50 a day once the muscles are
Sagging Jowls
To help tighten up cheeks and neck that sag, pull your
bottom lip over your top lip and smile. Tilt your chin
slightly upwards until you can feel it pulling on your neck.
Hold this position for a 10 count, and repeat 5 times. Once
you are accustomed to this exercise, try repeating the
exercise 10 times per day, once in the morning and once at
Crows Feet
This simple exercise is easy to do at night while applying
face and eye cream. Close your eyes tightly and slide
thumbs from the corners of your eyes towards your
temples. Rest your other fingers on the top of your head.
Do this exercise 10 times in the morning and at night for
best results.
Upper Eyelid
As age sets in, the upper eyelid often tends to fall and sag.
To firm the upper eyelid, place your index fingers just
under your eyebrows. Push your fingers up while closing
your eye and stretching your eyelid down. Repeat this
several times a day.
Facial Stretch
This exercise can be used to tone the whole face. Open
your mouth as wide as you can and stick your tongue out
as far as you can. Open your eyes wide, and hold this
position for a count of 10. Repeat 5 times for a full cycle.
Be careful not to take this position too quickly to avoid
jaw discomfort.


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